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Admission Procedure

The school academic year is from April to March. Admissions are granted during other months also depending upon the availability of seats. Admission for Pre-Nursery to K.G. classes will be through observation / interaction only. There will be a written test / interview for students seeking admission in other classes.


Age as on March 31, 2020
Class Entry Age Class Entry Age
Pre – Nursery 2 yrs 4 months Class I 5 yrs 4 months
Nursery 3 yrs 4 months Class II onwards on the basis of previous class
K.G 4 yrs 4 months    


A duly filled and signed Application Form is to be submitted at the Administrative Office within seven days of issue of the Application form. Please note the registration does not imply admission. Admission is subjected to the result of the admission test, observation, interaction and the availability of seats.


The children who have registered will have to appear for an admission test (Class I onwards), which may be written or oral as laid down by the school for different levels. The test will be held for English, Maths, Hindi and any other subject which may be considered necessary. Syllabus for the admission test, which is based on child’s present class is available in the office and supplied on request. The selection of the candidates will depend upon their performance in the test/interview and availability of seats in the concerned class. The Principal reserves the rig ht to refuse admission to any child without furnishing reasons.


Students offered admission must enclose the following documents with admission form:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Students seeking admission for class I onwards, need to submit School leaving Certificate from the previous school, which should be a recognized school, affiliated to All India Board or State Board of education that has to be signed by DEO if transferred from other state.
  • Admission to The Basil World School implies on the part of student and parents willingness to comply with the requirements, rules and regulations of the school. Three colored passport size photographs of the student.


In case of withdrawal, only Caution Money will be refunded subject to the clearance of all dues and one month notice is required for withdrawal, otherwise, the Caution Money shall not be refunded.

Birthday Wishes

Contact Info

 – OMAXE CITY PHASE – II, PALWAL, HARYANA   121102 & 121102

 7056701275 / 7056701281      

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